Saturday, March 21, 2009

HCG Protocol VLCD R1D10 - Down Another 1.6 lbs!

I'm now down a total of 14 lbs. Woohoo! I read some interesting things yesterday and decided to try to incorporate them into my diet. There was a whole BUNCH of interesting articles in the current edition of First magazine. One of the article topics was on recent research showing how women do much better at weightloss with multiple mini protein meals because it "triggers a 35 percent spike in metabolism that lasts four hours". I had been skipping breakfast per the protocol, and having just the 2 servings of protein. I did some figuring on though, and found that if I'm careful to eat lower calorie foods, I can have a boiled egg in the morning for breakfast and still be within my 500 calories. (This means no steak unless I plan to skip the egg for breakfast that day.) The increase in protein should help protect my muscle mass too I think. Someone else on the protocol had mentioned that she's having breakfast every day and she seems to be doing very well. So, I thought I'd give it a shot and see what happens. I boiled 3 eggs this morning, so I'll have them ready for the next couple of days too. Sidenote: I love the internet for all the instructional guides you can find out there, including ones on "how to hardboil an egg". Mine turned out perfectly. :) Yum.

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