Sunday, March 15, 2009

HCG Protocol VLCD R1D4 - Down 6.8 lbs so far!

Yippee! I'm down 2 more lbs this morning! I know that the loss will slow down sometime this week, but this is pretty exciting so far. I'll be happy of course with losing an average of .5 - 1 lbs per day (as promised on the protocol), but it's nice to see these big losses in the first week. :)

I didn't feel Day 3 was different than the previous days, and I'm having big drops, so I don't think it was a mistake not to do the major loading on days 1&2. I'm thinking the need for that may vary among different people on the protocol, based on their body chemistry, etc. That said, I may choose to load for at least 1 day on the next round, just for the fun of it if nothing else. :) I did have a few minor cravings over the last few days, but I noticed it was typically when I saw something (a favorite restaurant...) that would trigger thoughts of unhealthy food. I've tried to get all that out of my home or at least out of sight so it doesn't bother me here. Of course once I leave the house, there are all kind of reminders. :) I imagine that I will get used to eating healthy soon and not think much about junk food anymore though. I'm enjoying the opportunity to really "cook" for myself, which I haven't actually done for awhile. I realized that so much of what I have been doing lately is just "heating up" stuff, or grabbing takeout. The new way of eating is a lot more healthy of course. It's also pretty tasty though. :) I think I'll start sharing my daily menus.

- Water with lemon

- 100 grams (4 oz.) grilled chicken marinated in lemon juice, garlic, and pepper
- Grilled asparagus

- Apple (Braeburn - sweet/tart and crisp)

- 100 grams (4 oz.) pan-seared chicken (no oil) seasoned with garlic and lemon juice
- Steamed asparagus and mushrooms

- Apple (Pacific Rose - more sweet than tart and not as crisp as braeburn)

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